Jeanie Hodge of Hampton, Iowa, Shares Her CICS Story


“It’s been about three years since I first called,” said Jeanie Hodge of Hampton, Iowa. Jeanie doesn’t remember how she got introduced to CICS, but one thing is certain — she wouldn’t be where she is today without the people at CICS who have helped her succeed. 

“Asking for help is hard.”
Jeanie first called CICS looking to control her paralyzing anxiety. Picking up the phone was a big first step in getting help. But the same reason she originally reached out to CICS was the thing holding her back from attending an appointment at the Franklin County office. After several cancellations, the team at CICS knew something wasn’t right so they made a house call. Turns out, Jeanie’s anxiety left her feeling apprehensive about speaking with someone and admitting that she needed help. 

“I can pick up the phone and speak with someone at CICS and immediately feel better.” 
Jeanie’s CICS journey started small: she needed help signing up for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Later, Jeanie’s relationship with CICS grew into something more akin to a family bond. CICS helped Jeanie sign up for ACA and found her an “awesome” therapist and psychiatrist. Without the relationships that were formed at the CICS office in Hampton, she would never have thought about speaking with a therapist or psychiatrist. She’s now comfortable enough to call for small and large struggles, all of which the team at CICS is there, ready to help her through. She’s even been known to take a seat in the lobby to decompress from an anxious day. 

“I know in my head and my heart that CICS will help me, even if they can’t directly at their offices.”
At the time of our interview with Jeanie, it was apparent that she is just one of many people who have really benefited from the services CICS offers. “I know they care about me here; I know that I have somewhere to go, and I have people to remind me that I’ll be alright.” There have been a lot of breakthroughs since Jeanie started coming to CICS to manage her anxiety. One of which happened the day of this interview, including the interview itself. 

CICS is proud to work with clients such as Jeanie, supporting individuals while strengthening communities. Learn more about the services CICS offers on our Facebook page